Hold Harmless

This is to certify that I voluntarily consent to be ministered by Warriors Set Free & Set Free Ministries’ staff, encouragement, and prayer ministry.

I am aware that the encourager/prayer partner meeting with me may need to intervene or contact appropriate authorities if he/she feels that I am a potential risk to myself or others or at risk myself from others.

I understand that some or all of the procedures used by Warriors Set Free (WSF), the encourager/prayer partner, may or may not be clinically demonstrated as guaranteeing either short or long-term results. I fully understand that the ministry, I receive is NOT counseling in any form, but rather encouragement and prayer ministry. I accept this ministry fully and completely and do not hold anyone responsible for any outcome that may arise as a result of this ministry. I do not hold WSF or encourager/prayer partner responsible for any further or additional care that I may need in the future. I take full responsibility for my life, health, and wellbeing now and in the days to come.

I am voluntarily accepting this offer of ministry and acknowledge that I understand that I am free to terminate my participation at any time for any reason. I understand that I must take full responsibility for any and all consequences for prematurely ending my spiritual intervention done for or on my behalf. I also understand that once I leave this place of ministry, I accept full responsibility for any choices I make that may be detrimental or harmful to me. I also accept full responsibility for all aftercare and follow-up ministry since this ministry opportunity is limited to particular time frames and does not provide for any promise of other future types of ministry.

I also fully understand that this ministry opportunity is being offered on a donation basis. I understand that this is not a professional counseling ministry, nor are those providing ministry holding themselves out to be professional counselors but rather as encouragement and prayer ministers. I accept this ministry opportunity as a gift and can freely give as I choose to support this cause but am under no obligation to pay for this service should I choose not to do so. If I choose to contribute any money to this ministry, it is to be viewed as a token of my appreciation and not as payment for services rendered.

NOTE: Please complete all fields and capitalize when appropriate, ie., john should be John or grand rapids should be Grand Rapids. (thank you)

I have read the above information fully and completely understand what the document is saying. This is submitted (signed) without mental reservation